3.0 Striding forward with great purpose
So here's a take on the simplest of simple games. One of the very first video games, implemented badly with massive hardware requirements and it still doesn't work as well as it did back in 1972. Pong.
using System; using OpenTK; using OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL; using OpenTK.Input;
namespace ConsoleApplication5 { //the program entry point class Program {
static void Main(string[] args) { SimpleGameWindow theWindow = new SimpleGameWindow(); theWindow.VSync = VSyncMode.On;
theWindow.Run(30.0); //run at 30fps } }
//the display class class SimpleGameWindow : GameWindow { //player paddle position float playerX, playerY; //ai paddle position float aiX, aiY; //ball position float ballX, ballY; //working on 2d plane so all Z's should be the same float theZ; //ball movement float ballDeltaX, ballDeltaY; //how fast the paddles move float paddleDelta; //precalculated values float fov, aspectRatio;
//playing field size const float playingHeight = 7.0f; const float playingWidth = 9.0f; //paddle depth and size const float halfPaddleDepth = 0.05f; const float halfPaddleHeight = 0.9f; //ball size const float ballRadius = 0.15f;
public SimpleGameWindow() : base(800, 600, OpenTK.Graphics.GraphicsMode.Default, "Example") { //instantiate viewpoint at x,y origin, z a bit out //to allow us to look 'in' at the box from the start playerX = 8.0f; aiX = -playerX; playerY = aiY = 0.0f; theZ = 0.0f; ballX = ballY = 0.0f; ballDeltaY = ballDeltaX = 0.005f; paddleDelta = 0.01f;
//precalculating to save per loop cost fov = (float)Math.PI / 3; aspectRatio = Width / (float)Height; }
protected override void OnRenderFrame(FrameEventArgs e) { base.OnRenderFrame(e);
private void handlePlayerInput() { //ESC is quit if (Keyboard[Key.Escape]) Exit();
//Arrow keys move paddle up and down if (Keyboard[Key.Up]) playerY += paddleDelta;
if (Keyboard[Key.Down]) playerY -= paddleDelta; }
//decide which direction to move AI paddle private void moveAiPaddle() { float newBallY = ballY + ballDeltaY;
//yes this does make the AI unbeatable unless //randomness/variance in movement or ball speed/direction is added
if (newBallY > aiY) //move up aiY += paddleDelta; else //move down aiY -= paddleDelta; }
//keep the paddles in the playing area private void checkPaddles() { if (playerY > playingHeight) playerY = playingHeight;
if (playerY < -playingHeight) playerY = -playingHeight;
if (aiY > playingHeight) aiY = playingHeight;
if (aiY < -playingHeight) aiY = -playingHeight; }
private void moveBall() { float newBallX = ballX + ballDeltaX; float newBallY = ballY + ballDeltaY;
//score if (newBallX > playingWidth) { //AI scores!! for now just reset newBallX = ballX = 0.0f; newBallY = ballY = 0.0f; } else if (newBallX < -playingWidth) { //player scores!! for now just reset
newBallX = ballX = 0.0f; newBallY = ballY = 0.0f; }
//bounce off paddles if (newBallX > playerX && newBallY < (playerY + halfPaddleHeight + 2.0f) && newBallY > (playerY - halfPaddleHeight - 2.0f) ) { //bounce off player paddle ballX = playerX - (newBallX - playerX); ballDeltaX = -ballDeltaX; } else if (newBallX < aiX && newBallY < (aiY + halfPaddleHeight) && newBallY > (aiY - halfPaddleHeight) ) { //bounce off ai paddle ballX = aiX - (newBallX - aiX); ballDeltaX = -ballDeltaX; } else { //no bounce ballX = newBallX; }
//bounce off top or bottom. if (newBallY > playingHeight) { //bounce off top ballY = playingHeight - (newBallY - playingHeight); ballDeltaY = -ballDeltaY; } else if (newBallY < -playingHeight) { //bounce off bottom ballY = -playingHeight + (newBallY + playingHeight); ballDeltaY = -ballDeltaY; } else { ballY = newBallY; } }
private void doDisplay() { //clear the screen GL.Clear(ClearBufferMask.ColorBufferBit); //clear the matrix GL.LoadIdentity();
GL.Color3(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f);
//apply perspective matrix GL.MatrixMode(MatrixMode.Projection); Matrix4 projection = Matrix4.CreatePerspectiveFieldOfView(fov, aspectRatio, 0.1f, 2000.0f ); GL.LoadMatrix(ref projection);
//look at the origin from the specified eye coordinates GL.MatrixMode(MatrixMode.Modelview); Matrix4 modelView = Matrix4.LookAt(0.0f, 0.0f, 14.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f); GL.LoadMatrix(ref modelView);
//draw player paddle GL.PushMatrix(); GL.Translate(playerX, playerY, theZ); drawPaddle(BeginMode.Polygon); GL.PopMatrix();
//draw ai paddle GL.PushMatrix(); GL.Translate(aiX, aiY, theZ); drawPaddle(BeginMode.Polygon); GL.PopMatrix();
//draw ball GL.PushMatrix(); GL.Translate(ballX, ballY, theZ); drawBall(BeginMode.Polygon); GL.PopMatrix();
SwapBuffers(); }
private void drawPaddle(BeginMode type) { GL.Begin(type);
GL.Vertex3(-halfPaddleDepth, halfPaddleHeight, theZ); GL.Vertex3(halfPaddleDepth, halfPaddleHeight, theZ); GL.Vertex3(halfPaddleDepth, -halfPaddleHeight, theZ); GL.Vertex3(-halfPaddleDepth, -halfPaddleHeight, theZ);
GL.End(); }
private void drawBall(BeginMode type) { GL.Begin(type);
GL.Vertex3(-ballRadius, ballRadius, theZ); GL.Vertex3(ballRadius, ballRadius, theZ); GL.Vertex3(ballRadius, -ballRadius, theZ); GL.Vertex3(-ballRadius, -ballRadius, theZ);
GL.End(); } } }
And there you have it!
...wait. There's no way to win. The game, just like Isner–Mahut will never, ever stop. Constantly resetting the ball every time it flies off into the void behind each of the paddles. There's no score, no end point no victory.
I don't mean it as a philosophical statement on the futility of competition, but more that I didn't get around to adding a score counter and check and I didn't want to bother displaying a score.
It's also unwinnable because of the constant speed and direction of the ball combined with the perfect AI behaviour and the fact that the paddles are so fast compared to the ball (if they start from the opposite sides of the screen then the paddle is still fast enough to get across to intercept the ball) means that you'll never get the ball past the other paddle. The solution to this could be any of these
- add a spin effect where the motion of the paddle effects the acceleration of the ball
- slow the paddles down/speed up the ball
- accelerate the ball every time it hits a paddle
- make the A.I. paddle go in the wrong direction randomly
Another point with this (very, very) simple game is that it uses the display coordinates as the world coordinates. i.e. If the ball is displayed at 1,1 then that's exactly where it is. This is fine for something like this, but with a more complicated game world (particularly when not all of it will display on the screen) there is a translation to be performed. kind of. OpenGL will take care of what should be displayed and what should not be displayed, but if there's interaction between in game elements you may not want to use the OpenGL coordinate system. For example, if we're doing a tic tac toe game, the game world model is a 3x3 grid. This does not map directly to a 800 x 700 display so some sort of translation must occur.
So, next time I do tic-tac-toe with game world -> display translation and mouse input as well.
Edit: Played around with this some more. Changed paddle and ball speeds, added score (still not displayed) and acceleration of the ball off the paddles. Source is here. The formerly 'perfect' AI is now easily beatable as it's purely reactive. A further challenge would be to implement an AI which predicts the ball movements and goes there (with random error to avoid another perfect opponent - simple game system and full knowledge make this possible).
Image is Ping-Pong Zimicea.jpg from commons.wikimedia.org.