So I went and got a Microsoft Natural Ergonomic Keyboard 4000 last week.So far I'm happy with it. The fake-leather wrist rest is comfy, the tilt nice on the wrist. There is a learning curve for me to forget all the bad touch typing habit's I've picked up. Hitting the 'z' key with the left ring finger, missing the 'q' key with the pinkie (it's weird, it's only a difference of maybe 1.5 cm in height from the highest key 'g' to the lowest 'q' but it feels like I'm reaching down a huge distance to hit it) and generally getting used to the more precise, less movement required style of typing.
All the function keys and remapping is nice too.
In terms of layout it really favours a leftie mousing style. The reach over the numpad and arrow keys is so long compared to just dropping off the edge of the qwerty side. Sometime someone's going to produce a developer specific keyboard with just the alpha-numerics, common syntax keys and nothing else... on an ergonomic form factor.
a-zA-z0-9!"£$%^&*()-=_+\/|,.<>?#~[]{};:'@ would cover it all
<edit 2> So that pain in my left shoulder turned into a full on muscle spasm and I was out for one day (mostly spent lying flat on my back or having muscle manipulation), and working from home the next two (I couldn't really drive) so I think the keyboard was the trigger for an underlying problem with my posture causing a whole load of back/neck problems.
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