S.T.A.L.K.E.R. pt3
...somewhere under a goverment research facility...
I've just cleared out a bandit nest and I have to crawl into an old water tank by way of a disused pipe. About half way up I begin hearing the breathing.
Not a person or even an animal.
the tunnels are breathing.
Long drawn out gasps of wind through the tunnels. At the peak of the inhalation there's a pause and my vision is distorted and grainy for a second or so. Then with exhalation the world skews sideways.
Fighting down panic and disorientation I stand calmly and wait if this is just the precursor for anything else. It is not. Ransacking the nest I find the usb stick I'm looking for and move on. All the while with the breathing.
As I move towards my exit point, the breathing continues, inconsistent and nerve grating. A long tunnel with two ladders up. As I climb the first I'm propelled upwards by some force and slammed against the cover. Again disoriented I drop to the ground and retreat. "Was it an anomoly?" I wonder as applying bandages and med packs. I decide to try the other ladder.
As I pass the ladder, I am again fired against the roof but I keep moving. Then I'm dragged forward, forced back and bounced off every wall. am shocked I . shocked am I. I am shocked. Dragged forward again, with no control I see the creature toying with me and begin firing wildly.
I found a youtube clip someone made of this encounter. It doesn't totally get the sense of panic but you'll get the idea.
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