, Pandora, et al
I recently signed up for and overall I'm very happy with it. I had used in the past (when it was possible to listen to it from outside the US and they both seem to suffer from the same problem.
I have a fairly wide range of musical tastes and while I might want to listen to ambient/classical pieces in the morning with something more alt rock/post-rock in the afternoon the radio setting is pretty much one speed. i.e. If you pick "Sigur Rós" radio you're not getting anything except abstract iclandic noodlings until you change the station.
It'd be nice if there was a -> make more rocky/make more mellow type setting. Maybe something like, start with "Queens of the Stone Age", and go to "Beethoven" by way of "The Mountain Goats" over a period of 4 hours.
It'd make for an interesting listening experience if nothing else.
>>edit 18-01-2011 >> discontinued as I found it had hit some kind of limit on the pool of tracks it was playing me and seemed to be just repeating the same ones over and over
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