Improving standards
I used to have a blog. Before they were called blogs. Updating it was a matter of of telnet to my university account and using vi to create a new blog post and then change the links on the front page. I could only check the changes later on when I actually had a web browser available
I'm sure there were better solutions but I was doing an internship at the time and wasn't really meant to be following up personal projects. And kids, remember this, a terminal screen full of text always looks like it's work related. (If you're a programmer, not so much if you're a graphic designer I guess).
Anyway my point is that it was actually easier to produce content for that than it is with something like wordpress. The standard was a lot lower. You could get away with 2-3 rambling paragraphs and because there was little competition out there it worked. If you look at my links, any one of those sites has great posts, consistently.
Makes the rest of us (me at least) look bad.